Frontpage New


  • Release: Cellologue

    The six musical languages that Simone Drescher brings to ‘Cellologue’ on her second album, which is her first solo album, are highly emotional and expressive. The multi-award-winning virtuoso has recorded works that are deeply moving and with which she identifies completely: ‘Cellologue’ is her soul language.

    >> ORDER HERE <<

  • Release HUMANITY

    It’s official: Simone Drescher’s debut album “HUMANITY” is released! You can order the CD in the link below and receive a handsigned copy including booklet.

     >> ORDER HERE <<

  • Masterclass

    Meisterkurs 1.- 7. August 2022 in Murnau

    no participation fee
    – Solo Masterclass
    – Chamber Music
    – Coaching in Yoga, Wimhof,…
    – free accomodation
    – travel expenses can be paid  on request

  • CD Production

    Debut CD production with Sinfonietta Riga. CD release expected in July 2022 on the GWK RECORDS label.

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    New Video

    The comforting sobriety of this extraordinary location in Berlin visualises “Grāmata Čellam – The Book” by Pēteris Vasks almost perfectly.

    With his building, architect Axel Schulte celebrates the echoing of human life in cosmic grandeur, the “silence of the walls in the light”.

  • Concert Exam postponed

    Concert exam at Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler successfully completed. Simone performed the Elgar Cello Concerto as a soloist with the Konzerthausorchester Berlin at the Konzerthaus Berlin in April 2021. The professional documentation of her graduation concert can be viewed on request. 


  • Release: Cellologue

    The six musical languages that Simone Drescher brings to ‘Cellologue’ on her second album, which is her first solo album, are highly emotional and expressive. The multi-award-winning virtuoso has recorded works that are deeply moving and with which she identifies completely: ‘Cellologue’ is her soul language.

    >> ORDER HERE <<

  • Release HUMANITY

    It’s official: Simone Drescher’s debut album “HUMANITY” is released! You can order the CD in the link below and receive a handsigned copy including booklet.

     >> ORDER HERE <<

  • Masterclass

    Meisterkurs 1.- 7. August 2022 in Murnau

    no participation fee
    – Solo Masterclass
    – Chamber Music
    – Coaching in Yoga, Wimhof,…
    – free accomodation
    – travel expenses can be paid  on request

  • CD Production

    Debut CD production with Sinfonietta Riga. CD release expected in July 2022 on the GWK RECORDS label.

  • By clicking on "Show", you consent to the reloading of content from Google (USA). This provides Google (USA) with the information that you have accessed our site as well as the technically necessary data in this context. We have no influence on the further data processing by Google. Please note that there is no adequate level of data protection with regard to Google (USA).

    New Video

    The comforting sobriety of this extraordinary location in Berlin visualises “Grāmata Čellam – The Book” by Pēteris Vasks almost perfectly.

    With his building, architect Axel Schulte celebrates the echoing of human life in cosmic grandeur, the “silence of the walls in the light”.

  • Concert Exam postponed

    Concert exam at Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler successfully completed. Simone performed the Elgar Cello Concerto as a soloist with the Konzerthausorchester Berlin at the Konzerthaus Berlin in April 2021. The professional documentation of her graduation concert can be viewed on request. 


Simone Drescher was born in Herdecke and was still studying with Gotthard Popp at the Robert Schumann Conservatory in Düsseldorf when she was awarded a scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation). She received her diploma from the University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar, where she studied with Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, before enrolling at the Hanns Eisler School of Music in Berlin, where she studied under Troels Svane and completed her master’s degree. Her final concert, which would have led to her concert diploma, was scheduled for April 2020 but the event had to be postponed until 2021 on account of the coronavirus pandemic. She would have appeared as a soloist with the Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra in the Berlin Konzerthaus.

During her studies, Simone Drescher also received valuable advice and encouragement from masterclasses with Wolfgang Boettcher, David Geringas, Natalia Gutman, Jens Peter Maintz and Johannes Moser. She was also awarded a scholarship to attend the Orchestra Academy of the Staatskapelle Berlin under Daniel Barenboim.

Simone Drescher has received numerous awards, most recently a special prize at the International Grand Prix Emanuel Feuermann Competition in Berlin. The Deutscher Musikrat (German Music Council) invited her to appear both as a soloist and as a chamber recitalist in its series of concerts promoting young German artists, while the Werner Richard-Dr. Carl Dörken Foundation has sponsored her on a long-term basis, including concerts in its series “Best of NRW”. She was awarded a GWK Young Artist Award in 2012 and since then has been supported by the GWK-Gesellschaft für Westfälische Kulturarbeit. As a young musician she was repeatedly honoured by the Jugend musiziert Federal Competition not only as a violoncellist but also in its categories of flute and accordion. For several years she was involved in Yehudi Menuhin’s Live Music Now and is still concerned to bring music to people who are otherwise prevented from attending concerts. The recipient of a scholarship and of multiple awards from the Deutscher Musikinstrumentenfonds (German Musical Instruments Fund), Simone Drescher has had a violoncello placed at her disposal by the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben (German Foundation for Musical Life) since 2014. Since 2017 the instrument in question has been a violoncello made by Giovanni Battista Grancino in Milan in around 1700.

Simone Drescher has given recitals and appeared as a soloist with a number of orchestras, including the Baden-Baden Philharmonie, the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, the Folkwang Chamber Orchestra in Essen and the Cologne Sinfonietta. As a chamber recitalist she has performed in the Berlin Philharmonie, the Berlin Konzerthaus, the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg and the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn. Among the festivals where she has frequently been invited to appear are the Heidelberg Spring Festival, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the “Young Elite” series of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, the Usedom Music Festival, the Norfolk Music Festival of Yale University in the United States of America, the Grafenegg Academy and the PODIUM European Music Festival in Esslingen (Germany) and Norway. Among the broadcasting companies with which she has recorded recitals are Deutschlandfunk, WDR West German Radio, Deutsche Welle, BR Bavarian Radio and NDR North German Radio.

Simone Drescher’s repertory includes not only the classics of the violoncello literature but also rarely performed pieces. She additionally commissions new works from promising young composers.


Simone Drescher was born in Herdecke and was still studying with Gotthard Popp at the Robert Schumann Conservatory in Düsseldorf when she was awarded a scholarship by the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation). She received her diploma from the University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar, where she studied with Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt, before enrolling at the Hanns Eisler School of Music in Berlin, where she studied under Troels Svane and completed her master’s degree. Her final concert, which would have led to her concert diploma, was scheduled for April 2020 but the event had to be postponed until 2021 on account of the coronavirus pandemic. She would have appeared as a soloist with the Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra in the Berlin Konzerthaus.

During her studies, Simone Drescher also received valuable advice and encouragement from masterclasses with Wolfgang Boettcher, David Geringas, Natalia Gutman, Jens Peter Maintz and Johannes Moser. She was also awarded a scholarship to attend the Orchestra Academy of the Staatskapelle Berlin under Daniel Barenboim.

Simone Drescher has received numerous awards, most recently a special prize at the International Grand Prix Emanuel Feuermann Competition in Berlin. The Deutscher Musikrat (German Music Council) invited her to appear both as a soloist and as a chamber recitalist in its series of concerts promoting young German artists, while the Werner Richard-Dr. Carl Dörken Foundation has sponsored her on a long-term basis, including concerts in its series “Best of NRW”. She was awarded a GWK Young Artist Award in 2012 and since then has been supported by the GWK-Gesellschaft für Westfälische Kulturarbeit. As a young musician she was repeatedly honoured by the Jugend musiziert Federal Competition not only as a violoncellist but also in its categories of flute and accordion. For several years she was involved in Yehudi Menuhin’s Live Music Now and is still concerned to bring music to people who are otherwise prevented from attending concerts. The recipient of a scholarship and of multiple awards from the Deutscher Musikinstrumentenfonds (German Musical Instruments Fund), Simone Drescher has had a violoncello placed at her disposal by the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben (German Foundation for Musical Life) since 2014. Since 2017 the instrument in question has been a violoncello made by Giovanni Battista Grancino in Milan in around 1700.

Simone Drescher has given recitals and appeared as a soloist with a number of orchestras, including the Baden-Baden Philharmonie, the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra, the Folkwang Chamber Orchestra in Essen and the Cologne Sinfonietta. As a chamber recitalist she has performed in the Berlin Philharmonie, the Berlin Konzerthaus, the Elbphilharmonie and the Laeiszhalle in Hamburg and the Beethoven-Haus in Bonn. Among the festivals where she has frequently been invited to appear are the Heidelberg Spring Festival, the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, the “Young Elite” series of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, the Usedom Music Festival, the Norfolk Music Festival of Yale University in the United States of America, the Grafenegg Academy and the PODIUM European Music Festival in Esslingen (Germany) and Norway. Among the broadcasting companies with which she has recorded recitals are Deutschlandfunk, WDR West German Radio, Deutsche Welle, BR Bavarian Radio and NDR North German Radio.

Simone Drescher’s repertory includes not only the classics of the violoncello literature but also rarely performed pieces. She additionally commissions new works from promising young composers.


Simone Drescher is a musical thoroughbred. She comes into full bloom when performing music. She senses the music with every fibre of her body while also penetrating it intellectually. At the same time the cellist is not only completely familiar with her own musical text but also with that of her chamber music partners. And her interpretations capture the spirit of the compositions she performs on stage with a sure sense of style. Simone Drescher articulates with equal measures of expressiveness and subtle nuance, always accurate and differentiated, always in control. There seems to be no end to her interpretative skill and she masters technical challenges with aplomb and brilliance. She performs with consummate ease and has a stage presence that is riveting.
— Dr. Susanne Schulte, Laudatio GWK Young Artists Award


Simone Drescher is a musical thoroughbred. She comes into full bloom when performing music. She senses the music with every fibre of her body while also penetrating it intellectually. At the same time the cellist is not only completely familiar with her own musical text but also with that of her chamber music partners. And her interpretations capture the spirit of the compositions she performs on stage with a sure sense of style. Simone Drescher articulates with equal measures of expressiveness and subtle nuance, always accurate and differentiated, always in control. There seems to be no end to her interpretative skill and she masters technical challenges with aplomb and brilliance. She performs with consummate ease and has a stage presence that is riveting.
— Dr. Susanne Schulte, Laudatio GWK Young Artists Award


3. Apr
2025, 20:00h
BerlinPianosalon Christophori
B. Martinů: „Variationen“
A. Dvořák: „Waldesruhe“
L. Janáček: „Pohádka“
M. Kabeláč: Sonate op. 9
S. Rachmaninoff: Sonate g-moll op. 19
Simone Drescher I Violoncello
Amadeus Wiesensee I Klavier
4. Apr
2025, 20:00h
KempenKulturforum Franziskanerkloster, Paterskirche
B. Martinů: „Variationen“
A. Dvořák: „Waldesruhe“
L. Janáček: „Pohádka“
M. Kabeláč: Sonate op. 9
S. Rachmaninoff: Sonate g-moll op. 19

Konzerteinführung um 19.00 Uhr mit Claudia Belemann
1. Feb
2025, 20:00h
MiesbachKulturzentrum Waitzinger Keller
Romantische Märchen
Brahms Sonate e-Moll Op.38
Janacék Märchen
Rachmaninoff Sonate
Simone Drescher I Violoncello
Amadeus Wiesensee I Klavier
19. Jan
2025, 11:00h
PotsdamPalais Lichtenau
Brahms e-Moll Op. 38
Rachmaninoff Sonate g-Moll Op.19
Simone Drescher I Violoncello
Amadeus Wiesensee I Klavier
6. Oct
2024, 16:00h
HamburgMiralles Saal
100 Cellisten in Hamburg
Gregor Piatigorsky: Paganini Variationen für Violoncello und Celloorchester (arr. H. Philippsen)
Simone Drescher I Violoncello
Christine Philippsen I Dirigentin
100 Cellisten in Hamburg

9. Sep
2024, 21:05h
Der Freiheit eine Stimme
Miloslav Kabelác

Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier op. 9 (1941-1942)
I. Passacaglia
II. Fantasia
III. Scherzo
IV. Allegro energico

Musik für ein Marionettenspiel
für Violine, Cello und Klavier

Petr Eben
Elegie und Toccata aus der Suita Balladica
für Violoncello und Klavier
Markéta Janoušková, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Robert Kolinsky, Klavier

Stefan Lang im Gespräch mit Elisabeth Hahn
Bettina Brand im Gespräch mit David Eben
8. Sep
2024, 16:00h
RadebeulHistorischer Güterboden
Musik Festival Radebeul
Nino Rota: Concerto per archi
Antonio Vivaldi: Vier Jahreszeiten Op. 8
Solisten und Stipendiaten der Anne-Sophie Mutter Stiftung und der Deutschen Stiftung Musikleben
5. Sep
2024, 18:00h
RadebeulSchloss Hoflößnitz
Musik Festival Radebeul
Axel Brüggemann, ein Virtuose unter den Musikjournalisten, liest aus seinem Buch: „Die Zwei-Klassik-Gesellschaft: Wie wir unsere Musikkultur retten“

Nicolo Paganini: Streichquartett Nr. 2 Es-Dur Op. 1a
Nicolo Paganini: Streichquartett Nr. 1 d-Moll Op. 1a
Albrecht Menzel, Violine
Julia Turnovsky, Violine
Hwayoon Lee, Viola
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Axel Brüggemann, Journalist & Autor
27. Jun
2024, 18:30h
ParisColumbia UniversityFrankreich
(p)release Konzert

Mit Uraufführung "L'oiseau" von David Chaillou
Simone Drescher I Violoncello
23. Jun
2024, 19:00h
International Music Festival
Mathieu van Bellen, Janina Kronberger, Emmanuelle Bernard, Magnus Boye Hansen, Almuth Chylek I Violine Bendik Foss I Viola Simone Drescher, Ulrikke Henninen I Violoncello Nikolai Matthews I Kontrabass Mathias Halvorsen I Klavier
22. Jun
2024, 19:00h
International Music Festival
Thomas Ades: Catch
Robert Schumann: Pianotrio nr. 1
Maja Ratkje: Gagaku variations

Miguel Pérez Iñesta I Klarinette
Mathieu van Bellen, Almuth Chylek, Emmanuelle Bernard I Violine
Bendik Foss I Viola
Simone Drescher, Ulrikke Henninen I Violoncello
Mathias Halvorsen, Ben Kim I Klavier
Frode Haltli I Akkordeon
21. Jun
2024, 19:00h
International Music Festival
Miguel Pérez Iñesta, I Klarinette Emmanuelle Bernard I Violine Nora Romanoff-Schwartzberg I Viola Simone Drescher I Violoncello Nikolai Matthews I Kontrabass Frode Haltli I Akkordeon Mathias Halvorsen I Klavier Ben Kim I Klavier Ben Kim
20. Jun
2024, 21:30h
HausgesundVangen Pling PlongNorwegen
International Music Festival
Peteris Vasks: Grammata Cellam
Maja S. K. Ratkje: Dismatled pipes
Johannes Brahms: Klarinettkvintett

Miguel Pérez Iñesta I Klarinette
Mathieu van Bellen I Violine
Almuth Chylek I Violine
Nora Romanoff-Schwartzberg I Viola
Simone Drescher I Violoncello
20. Jun
2024, 14:30h
Haugesund Stadtbibliothek Norwegen
International Music Festival
CELLOLOGUE - Mini Rezital
19. Jun
2024, 19:00h
HaugesundKopervik kirkeNorwegen
International Music Festival
Vasks, Chopin, Farrenc u.a.
Magnus Boye Hansen I Violine
Nora Romanoff-Schwartzberg I Viola
Simone Drescher I Cello
Nikolai Matthews I Kontrabass
Ben Kim I Klavier
16. Jun
2024, 11:00h
BerlinStaatsbibliothek unter den Linden
Gesprächskonzert zu Miloslav Kabelácˇ Zwei Stücke für Violine und Klavier op. 12 (1942)
I. Balada – II. Capriccio
Musik für ein Marionettenspiel
für Violine, Cello und Klavier (1944) Wiegenlied für Violine und Klavier (1944)
Ein Satz für Violine, Cello und Klavier (1944) Ein Satz für Violine und Klavier (Langsam) (1944)
Sonate für Violoncello und Klavier op. 9 (1941-1942) I. Passacaglia – II. Fantasia
III. Scherzo – IV. Allegro energico
Markéta Janoušková, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Robert Kolinsky, Klavier
Stefan Lang im Gespräch mit Elisabeth Hahn
15. Jun
2024, 18:30h
BerlinStaatsbibliothek unter den Linden
Gesprächskonzert zu Petr Eben Elegie und Toccata aus der Suita Balladica
für Violoncello und Klavier (1955)
Alttestamentarisches Fresko Saul bei der Prophetin in En-Dor für Violine und Klavier (1993)
Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart (1981) I. Impetuoso – II. Andante
III. Con vigore – Moderato assai – IV. Drammatico
Markéta Janoušková, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Robert Kolinsky, Klavier
Martinu° Quartett
Bettina Brand im Gespräch mit David Eben
25. May
2024, 19:30h
Eröffnungskonzert Thüringer Orgelwochen
Benefizkonzert zugunsten des "YEHUDI MENUHIN Live Music Now Weimar e.V." und des Zentralspieltisches der Domorgeln.
Benedikt Kristjánsson - Tenor
Carla Marrero Martínez - Violine
Simone Drescher - Violoncello
Silvius von Kessel - Orgel (am Zentralspieltisch der Domorgeln)
12. May
2024, 11:00h
Berlin Bode Museum

Sonate Nr. 3 in C-Dur für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Kontrabass
Duetto in D-Dur für Violoncello und und Kontrabass
Sonate Nr. 2 in A-Dur für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Kontrabass
„Une Larme“ – „Die Träne“ für Violoncello und Kontrabass und Streicher
Sonate Nr. 6 in D-Dur für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Kontrabass
Lifan Zhu, Violine
Nora Hapca, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Alf Moser, Kontrabass
23. Feb
2024, 19:00h
BonnRheinhotel Dreesen
Jane-Austen-Abend mit Denis Scheck und Trio Solaris
More than two hundred years after her death, Jane Austen's novels are still hugely popular. Denis Scheck, probably Germany's best-known literary critic, is a big Jane Austen fan himself. Together with the trio Solaris, who will provide the musical accompaniment, he will devote an evening to the texts of the famous British author.
15. Feb
2024, 19:30h
SchwedtUckermärkische Bühne, Großer Saal
Klassik populär
Works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Nikolai Rimski-Korsakow, Edward Elgar
Sara Gouzy (Mezzosopran)
Simone Drescher (Violoncello)
Karine Gilanyan (Klavier,
Alf Moser (Kontrabass)
Petra Schwieger (Violine)
Stanislava Stoykova (Viola)
4. Feb
2024, 18:00h
ParisAtelier de la Main d'OrFrance
Salon d'Hiver
Musique de chambre pour flûte, piano et violoncelle
Piazzolla—Winter from “The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires”
Poulenc—Flute Sonata
Ibert—Deux Interludes
Mary Howe—Elegy
Nadia Boulanger—Trois pièces pour violoncelle et piano
Debussy—Trio in G

Réservations :
Billetterie : 15 euros
Trio Undine
Reham Fayed I flûte
Simone Drescher I violoncelle
Elenora Pertz I piano
3. Feb
2024, 20:00h
ParisSalon NNFrance
Concert Salon d'Hiver
Musique de chambre pour flûte, piano et violoncelle

Piazzolla—Winter from “The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires”
Poulenc—Flute Sonata
Ibert—Deux Interludes
Mary Howe—Elegy
Nadia Boulanger—Trois pièces pour violoncelle et piano
Debussy—Trio in G
Trio Undine
Reham Fayed I flute
Simone Drescher I cello
Elenora Pertz I piano

20. Dec
2023, 19:30h
Essen Dom
DIMENSION DOMORGEL IV - Tochter Zion, freue dich
Franck Sonate u.a.
Simone Drescher I cello
Sebastian Küchler-Blessung I organ
11. Dec
Münster Musikhochule
10. Dec
2023, 17:00h
Sendenhorst Haus Siekmann
Piazzolla- Autumn and Winter from "The Four Seasons"
Reinecke- Undine Sonata
Ravel- "La flûte enchantée" aus Shéhérazade
Nadia Boulanger- Trois Pièces pour violoncelle et piano
Debussy- Trio in G
Reham Fayed I flute
Simone Drescher I cello
Elenora Pertz I piano
18. Nov
2023, 18:00h
Basel Proberaum des Sinfonieorchester BaselSchweiz
Iris Szeghy I Slowakischer Tanz (2006) für Cello solo
Bohuslav Martinů I Variationen über ein slowakisches Thema, H378 für Cello und Klavier
Simone Drescher I cello
Robert Kolinsky I piano
20. Oct
HUMANITY - 375 Jahre Westfälischer Friede
Jean Sibelius: Rakastava Tigran Mansurian: Capriccio for Cello solo Wojciech Kilar: Orawa Joh. Sebastian Bach: Aria Vasks Cellokonzert Nr. 2 "Klatbutne"
Simone Drescher, cello
Jānis Liepiņš, conductor
Sinfonietta Rīga
18. Oct
2023, 20:00h
StuttgartWeißer Saal im Neuen Schloss
BOSCH Benefizkonzert
Works by Bach, Popper, Rossini
Simone Drescher, cello
Robert Wieland, conductor
BOSCH Streichersolisten
17. Oct
2023, 12:00h
RīgaEmīls Dārziņš Music School Great HallLatvia
Cello Masterclass
17. Oct
RīgaEmīls Dārziņš Music School Great HallLatvia
Simone Drescher & Sinfonietta Rīga
Vasks Cello Concerto No. 2 "Klatbutne"
Simone Drescher, cello
Jānis Liepiņš, conductor
Sinfonietta Rīga
15. Sep
2023, 17:00h
HerdeckeWerner - Richard - Saal
Meister von Morgen
Ludwig van Beethoven Sonate op. 5 No. 2 for cello and piano Franz Schubert Impromptu No. 3 op. 90 for piano Alberto E. Ginastera Tres danzas argentinas for piano solo Pampeana Nr. 2 op. 21 for cello and piano
Simone Drescher, cello
Cristina Marton-Argerich, piano
5. Sep
2023, 18:00h
BratislavaCsáky's mansion in PrievozSlowakei
ŠEHEREZÁDA & Ensemble ,,Knobelsdorff" by Staatskapelle Berlin
Nikalai Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade Franz Shubert: Quintet "Forelle"
Petra Schwieger, violin
Stanislava Stoykova, viola
Simone Drescher, cello
Alf Moser, bass
Viliana Valtcheva, piano
5. Aug
Duo Rezital
Works by Franck, Boulanger und Piazzolla Entry only for guests.
Simone Drescher, cello
Amadeus Wiesensee, piano
2. Aug
2023, 20:00h
RabOpen Air Croatia
Cello Open Air
Works by Bach, Piazzolla, Sting
12. May
2023, 20:30h
BerlinLobe Block
Simone Drescher, cello
Jennifer Yu, piano
5. May
2023, 20:00h
Dating Konzert
Schostakowitsch: Cellokonzert No.1, Op.107
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Orchester im Treppenhaus
20. Apr
2023, 20:00h
Erfurt Contor
Thüringer Bachwochen
Schostakowitsch: Cello Konzert No. 1, op. 107
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Orchester im Treppenhaus
29. Mar
2023, 19:00h
Haltern am SeeLWL- Römermuseum
Musik im Römermuseum
Franz Schubert (1797–1828): Trio Nr. 2 in Es-Dur, op. 100, D 929
Pēteris Vasks (*1946): Plainscapes
Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992): Vier Jahreszeiten Buenos Aires / Las Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas
Arno Babadjanian (1921–1983): Trio f-Moll, 2. und 3. Satz
Trio Solaris
28. Mar
2023, 19:00h
BonnRheinhotel Dreesen
Denis Scheck & Trio Solaris
Denis Scheck & Trio Solaris meet to texts by David Foster Wallace
24. Mar
2023, 19:00h
Berlin Großer Sendesaal, Haus des Rundfunks
Charity Concert
Beethoven: Triple Concerto op.56
Bogdana Pivnenko, violin
Simone Drescher, cello
Kateryna Titova, piano
Xin Tan, conductor
national opera orchesta charkiw
19. Feb
2023, 18:00h
Lingen Kunsthalle
Junge Virtuosen
Compositions by Franz Schubert, Peteris Vasks, Arno Babadjanian
Trio Solaris
27. Jan
2023, 19:30h
Trio Solaris
At the end of the Ferdinande Boxberger literary fellowship, last year's city writer Albrecht Selge reviews his time in Bonn and reads from his new project. The association Lese-Kultur Godesberg e.V. is organizing an event for him for the first time in the chamber music hall of the Beethoven-Haus Bonn. The Trio Solaris will provide musical accompaniment for the evening. Malte Boecker, the director of the Beethoven-Haus, will be the moderator of the evening and will talk with Albrecht Selge about Beethoven. Translated with (free version)
Albrecht Selge
Malte Boecker, speaker
Trio Solaris
16. Dec
2022, 20:00h
Berlin Pianosalon Christophori
Bach, Schumann, Casals, Bosmans
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Han-Wen Jennifer Yu, Klavier
3. Dec
2022, 19:00h
Warngau Altwirtsaal
Trio Solaris
Werke u. a. von L. van Beethoven & Maurice Ravel
Prof. Martin Maria Krüger, Moderation
Simone Drescher, Cello | Moritz Ter-Nedden, Violine | Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
20. Nov
2022, 17:00h
Potsdam Palais Lichtenau
Bach, Schumann, Casals, Bosmans
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Han-Wen Jennifer Yu, Klavier
9. Oct
2022, 18:00h
Münster Erbdrostenhof
Chapeau Classique
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827): Klaviertrio op. 97, Erzherzog-Trio
Bent Sørensen (1958): Phantasmagoria
Maurice Ravel (1875–1937): Klaviertrio a-Moll
Moritz Ter-Nedden, violin
Simone Dresche, cello
Amadeus Wiesensee, piano
11. Sep
2022, 18:00h
BonnPost Tower
Post Klassik Vertikal
Set 1:
Antonín Dvorak: aus Klaviertrio Nr. 4 e-Moll op. 90 "Dumky"
IV. Andante moderato – Allegretto scherzando – Meno mosso
Kaija Saariaho (*1952): Light and Matter
Antonín Dvorak: aus Klaviertrio Nr. 4 e-Moll op. 90 "Dumky"
VI. Lento maestoso – Vivace

Set 2:

Ernest Bloch: No. 1 from Three Nocturnes for Piano Trio
Lili Boulanger: Nocturne pour violon et piano
Ernest Bloch: No. 2 from Three Nocturnes for Piano Trio
Nadia Boulanger: No. 1 from Trois pièces pour cello et piano
Franz Schubert: Notturno D 897
Lili Boulanger: D'un vieux jardin für Klavier
Ernest Bloch: No. 3 from Three Nocturnes for Piano Trio
Moritz Ter-Nedden, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
6. Sep
2022, 19:30h

Ludwig van Beethoven: Klaviertrio B-Dur op. 97 "Erzherzog-Trio"
I. Allegro moderato
II. Scherzo. Allegro
III. Andante cantabile, ma però con moto
IV. Allegro moderato - Presto


Bent Sørensen: Phantasmagoria (2007)

Maurice Ravel: Klaviertrio a-Moll (1914)
I. Modéré
II. Pantoum. Assez vif
III. Passacaille. Très large
IV. Final. Animé
Moritz Ter-Nedden, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
4. Sep
2022, 11:30h
NorderneyConversationshaus, Großer Saal
Music, like light, is made of waves, but it can also be very close, almost haptically tangible. Together we will explore the different aggregate states that music can embody, from shimmering reflections on the surface of water to dark mountain walls. Maurice Ravel and Kaija Saariaho provide the ideal kaleidoscope for Trio Solaris to go on a quest.
Moritz Ter Nedden, violin
Simone Drescher, cello
Amadeus Wiesensee, piano
2. Sep
2022, 19:30h
NorderneyConversationshaus, Großer Saal
Light and Matter
Concert with the Trio Solaris Music, like light, is made of waves, but it can also be very close, almost haptically perceptible. Together we will explore the different aggregate states that music can embody, from shimmering reflections on the surface of water to dark mountain walls. Maurice Ravel and Kaija Saariaho provide the ideal kaleidoscope for Trio Solaris to explore.
Moritz Ter Nedden, violin
Simone Drescher, cello
Amadeus Wiesensee, piano
1. Jul
Meisterkurs (1.-7. August)
Master class August 1-7, 2022 The course is intended for young professional cellists aged 16-28. - Solo Master Class - chamber music - mental training (yoga, wimhof,...) - free accommodation A scholarship can be applied for.
26. Jun
2022, 15:00h
HØJBJERG, AarhusFrederikskirkenDenmark
Works by Tobias Krebs, Ilari Kaila, Anne Sophie Andersen, Sofie Meyer, and Frederik Sakham-Lomborg
Mathilde Schelin, clarinet
Anna Jalving and Patrick Yim, violins
Simone Drescher and Maria Isabel Edlund, celli
Frederik Sakham-Lomborg, double bass
25. Jun
2022, 12:00h
Aarhus RAMA KammermusiksaalenDenmark
Works by Juliana Hodkinson, Niklas Brandenhoff, Monika Szpyrka, Tobias Krebs, Sofie Meyer, and Matthew Grouse.
Mathilde Schelin, clarinet
Anna Jalving and Patrick Yim, violins
Manuel Chafino, viola
Simone Drescher and Maria Isabel Edlund, celli
Henrik Larsen, percussion
Matthew Grouse and Christian Stenbro, electronics
23. May
Berlin Zionskirche
Messiaen in der Zionskirche
Messiaen Quatuor pour la fin du temps
Byol Kyang, violin
Hugo Rodriguez Herrero, clarinet
Simone Drescher, cello
Cheng Zhang, piano
8. May
2022, 15:00h
Klassik Populär
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintettsatz für Klarinette und Streichquartett KV Anh. 91 (516c)
Heinrich Joseph Baermann Adagio für Klarinette und Streichquartett
Franz Schubert Quartettsatz c-Moll D 703
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Quintett für Klarinette und Streichquartett KV 581
Andreas Jentzsch, Violine
Darya Varlamova, Violine
Felix Schwartz, Viola
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Matthias Glander, Klarinette und Moderation
1. May
2022, 15:00h
SchöntalKloster Schöntal, Festsaal
Le carnaval des animaux
Carnival of the Animals
Ensemble D’accord
29. Apr
2022, 19:30h
Schostakovich Klaviertrio Nr. 2
Messiaen: Louange à l'Éternité de Jésus
Vasks: Castillo interior
Moritz Ter-Nedden, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Alexander Vorontsov, Klavier
28. Apr
2022, 19:30h
Schostakovich Trio Nr. 2
Messiaen: Louange à l'Éternité de Jésus
Vasks Castillo interior
Moritz Ter-Nedden, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Alexander Vorontsov, Klavier
3. Apr
2022, 16:00h
Schwedt/OderTheater Schwedt, Großer Saal
Klassik populär

Sonate Nr. 3 in C-Dur für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Kontrabass
Duetto in D-Dur für Violoncello und und Kontrabass
Sonate Nr. 2 in A-Dur für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Kontrabass
„Une Larme“ – „Die Träne“ für Violoncello und Kontrabass und Streicher
Sonate Nr. 6 in D-Dur für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Kontrabass
Lifan Zhu, violin
Nora Hapca, violin
Simone Drescher, cello
Alf Moser, bass
1. Apr
MünsterMusikhochschule Münster, Ludgeriplatz 1
Jury GWK Förderpreis 2022
The audition will begin on Friday, April 1 at 10:00 a.m. at the Musikhochschule Münster, Ludgeriplatz 1. The finale will take place on Saturday, April 2 from about 9:30 am. You can view the schedule here starting Friday evening. Guests are welcome. 2 G and masks are compulsory. Admission free!
21. Nov
2021, 18:00h
Esslingen Altes Rathaus
Jüdisches Leben in Esslingen
Compositions by Ruth Schönthal, John Zorn u.a.
Mayumi Kanagawa, violin
Johanna Ruppert, violin
Friedemann Slencza, Viola
Simone Drescher, cello
14. Nov
2021, 18:00h
Konzert und Lesung: 150. Geburtstag von Marcel Proust
Reading and concert in honor of the great writer. Actress Helene Grass will read from the young author's newly discovered stories, novellas and sketches, written before the work of the century. Translator and editor of the volume Bernd Schwibs will give an introduction to the research and the new texts. The trio Solaris will play works by Bloch, Debussy and Ravel.
Helene Grass, Speaker
Trio Solaris:
Moritz Ter-Nedden, violin
Simone Drescher, cello
Amadeus Wiesensee, piano
24. Oct
2021, 15:00h
Klassik populär
MOZART Quintettsatz in B für Klarinette und Streichquartett KV 516c
HAYDN Serenade für Streichquartett
BAERMANN Adagio für Klarinette und Streichquartett
MOZART Klarinettenquintett KV 581
Matthias Glander, Klarinette
Andreas Jentzsch, Violine
Felix Schwartz, Viola
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
23. Oct
2021, 15:00h
BerlinArndt-Bause-Saal, FFM
Musikalischer Salon
MOZART Quintettsatz in B für Klarinette und Streichquartett KV 516c
HAYDN Serenade für Streichquartett
BAERMANN Adagio für Klarinette und Streichquartett
MOZART Klarinettenquintett KV 581
Matthias Glander, Klarinette
Andreas Jentzsch, Violine
Felix Schwartz, Viola
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
28. Aug
2021, 20:00h
RAB Summerfestival N.N.
Nadolny Cello Quartet
21. Aug
2021, 13:15h
OranjewoudProeftuin StageNetherlands
Oranjewoud Festival
Noa Wildschut, Violin
21. Aug
2021, 19:30h
Oranjewoud Festival
Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 D-major "Symphonie classique" Mendelssohn Violin Concerto
Noa Wildschut, violin
Mathias Halvorsen, piano
Miguel Pérez Iñesta, clarinet

15. Aug
Bebenhausen Monastery
Konzertwochenende PODIUM
14. Aug
PODIUM Festival
13. Aug
Konzertwochenende PODIUM

24. Jul
2021, 19:00h
PODIUM Festival
22. Jul
2021, 20:00h
PODIUM Festival
Ernest Bloch: Schelomo for Cello and Orchestra (arr. Ian Anderson)
18. Jul
2021, 16:00h
Marienmünster Konzertsaal “Ackerscheune”
Beethoven: "Erzherzog"
Bloch: Three Nocturnes
Dvořák: "Dumky"
Moritz Ter Nedden, Violine
Simone Drescher, Violoncello
Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
1. Jul
2021, 17:00h
Beethoven: "Erzherzog"
Dvořák: "Dumky"
Trio Solaris

27. Jun
2021, 20:00h
Mendelssohn | Oktett op.20
Tschaikovsky | Souvenir de Florence op.70
26. Jun
2021, 19:00h
Mendelssohn | Oktett op.20
Tschaikovsky | Souvenir de Florence op.70
25. Jun
2021, 19:30h
Mendelssohn: Oktett
Tschaikovksy: Souvenir de Florence

D`Accord, das Klassikfestival
22. Apr
2021, 20:00h
BERLINKonzerthaus, Großer Saal
ELGAR Cellokonzert e-Moll Op.85
Konzerthausorchester Berlin
David But, Dirigent
7. Dec
2020, 14:00h
BERLINKonzerthaus, Großer Saal
Espresso Konzert - diese Veranstaltung entfällt-
MIASKOVSKY Cellokonzert
Publikumsorchester Konzerthaus Berlin
Dirk Wucherpfennig, Dirigent
17. Oct
2020, 18:00h
#bebeethoven Festival
BEETHOVEN Klaviertrio Op.1 Nr. 3 c-Moll
DAVID LANG „Cheating Lying Stealing“
Mit/with Johanna Ruppert, Violine
Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
15. Oct
2020, 20:00h
PODIUM Festival Esslingen
BEETHOVEN Klaviertrio Op.1 Nr. 3 c-Moll
DAVID LANG „Cheating Lying Stealing“
Mit/with Johanna Ruppert, Violine
Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
2. Oct
2020, 19:00h
GUT KERKOW Salon im Gutshaus
BEETHOVEN 7 Variationen über „Bei Männern welche Liebe fühlen“
MENDELSSOHN Lied ohne Worte Op.109
MENDELSSOHN Sonate D-Dur Op.58
BRAHMS Sonate F-Dur Op.99
mit Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier
Private Veranstaltung, Anmeldung über E-Mail erforderlich
7. Sep
2020, 11:00h
HAMBURGGroßer Festsaal des Hamburger Rathauses
Körber-Preis Verleihung
„Celloquartett der Deutschen Stiftung Musikleben“
mit Ildikó Szabo, Christoph Heesch & Jonas Palm
2. Sep
2020, 20:00h
BERLINPianosalon Christophori
PROKOFIEV - Sonate C-Dur
BRAHMS - Sonate F-Dur Op.99
DEBUSSY - Cellosonate
1. Sep
2020, 20:00h
BERLINPianosalon Christophori
PROKOFIEV - Sonate C-Dur
BRAHMS - Sonate F-Dur Op.99
DEBUSSY - Cellosonate
mit Frank-Immo Zichner, Klavier
29. Apr
PODIUM Festival Esslingen - VERLEGT
BEETHOVEN Klaviertrio Nr.3
26. Apr
2020, 11:00h
WEIMARSchloss Belvedere
mit Joachim Karr, Klavier
23. Apr
2020, 20:00h
BERLINKonzerthaus, Großer Saal
ELGAR Cellokonzert e-Moll Op.85
Konzerthausorchester Berlin
19. Apr
2020, 18:00h
Duo Rezital - VERLEGT
Werke von Bach, Ben-Haim, Casals, Ravel
mit Liv Migdal, Violine
15. Dec
2019, 20:00h
BERLINPianosalon Christophori
SCHUMANN Adagio&Allegro
SCHUBERT Nacht und Träume
SCHUBERT Arpeggione Sonate
BEETHOVEN Sonate Nr.2 g-Moll
DEBUSSY Sonate d-Moll
mit Amadeus Wiesensee, Klavier



